Royal Thai Army (RTA)
The RTA is facing a challenge of operating aging hardware such as V-150 and Stingray tanks, Armored Personnel Carriers (APCs), and other transport trucks. It is anticipated that the RTA will focus on upgrading old hardware along with identifying needs for improvement of its firepower and mobility. This focus will enable RTA to operate in MOOTWAR functions, as well as conduct missions in lowlight and night environments. Under the RTA's force modernization program, it is seeking new military hardware to improve mobility and firepower of cavalry and mechanized divisions. Military equipment believed to be on RTA's priority list are as follows:
- Light Armored Vehicles (LAVs)
- Upgrade of the existing C4I system
- Night-Vision equipment
- Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (MLRS)
- Self-propelled 155mm/52 Caliber Guns
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for surveillance missions
- Short Range Air Defense System (SHORADS)
Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF)
During the past several years, the development project that RTAF has been focusing on is the project to improve its air defense systems called "RTADS" (Royal Thai Air Defense System) which includes installation of early warning radars and related equipment in several parts of the country. The RTADS project began in 1985 and is expected to be completed by 2006. Phase I and III of the project have already been completed and the country is now equipped with early warning radars and integrated air defense information systems in the North, Northeast, Central, and South. The ongoing RTADS Phase II will cover the Thai-Burmese border in the west and Thai-Cambodia border in the east.
In other developments, the RTAF has been upgrading and modernizing its aircraft fleet. RTAF operates several types of aircraft such as Alphajets, F-5Es, F-16 A/Bs fighter jets and C-130 transport planes. The Alphajets that RTAF operates are 20-year old refurbished aircraft from Dassault/Dornier Germany and their primary mission is to enhance the ground attack capability of the RTAF.
RTAF is also planning to purchase more transport aircraft to be used in MOOTWAR operations. Currently the RTAF has about twelve C-130 transport planes, which are not sufficient for disaster relief operations as well as accommodating the Thai government policy to use military transport planes to export Thai agricultural products during peacetime. Listed below are equipment/projects with best sales prospect to the RTAF.
- Air Defense Systems: SHORAD, VSHORAD, MANPADS
- Medium and Long-Range Radar Systems
- Airborne Early Warning Systems and UAVs
- Transport Aircraft
- Electronic Warfare Equipment
- Air-to-Air Missiles
- New Ejection Seats for Alphajets
Royal Thai Navy (RTN)
The main mission of the RTN is to defend the areas where the national's economic interests are at stake, both in the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman seas. Thai territorial waters are filled with natural resources and maritime interests include shipping lanes, fishing areas, and oil & gas platforms. RTN has identified specific threats to Thai maritime industries, for instance: piracy, maritime border disputes with neighboring countries, smuggling of goods, and disputes over ownership of offshore resources. RTN is therefore seeking defense equipment suitable for dealing with this type of threats.
In the past few years RTN has acquired major hardware such as a helicopter carrier (Chakri Naruebet) built in Spain, Yarrow-class frigates, and missile frigates from China. The Chakri Naruebet carrier came equipped with V-8S and TAV-8S Matador (Harrier) jump jets, and Seahawk S-70B-7 multi-role helicopters. However, these aircraft need an upgrade of modern weapon systems and avionics, especially on the Seahawk helicopters and the Harriers.
In addition, there are several other potential procurement priorities within the Thai Navy, which include the following equipment:
- Modern weapons and amphibious assault equipment for the Marine Corps.
- Offshore Patrol Vessels (OPVs)
- Ship-based air defense systems
- Land-based radar systems
- Upgrade/replacement of S-70B Seahawk helicopters and AV-8 Harriers
- Conventional Submarine Package, incl. Training program
วันอังคารที่ 20 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2552
อาวุธนำวิถี HN-5และ HN-5A(M)
อาวุธนำวิถี HN-5และ HN-5A(M) เป็นอาวุธนำวิถีต่อสู้อากาศยานระดับต่ำ ใช้ยิงจากพื้นสู่อากาศ ใช้ป้องกันภัยทางอากาศ สามารถใช้ร่วมกับระบบป้องกันภัยทางอากาศอื่น ๆ ได้ ใช้พลยิงประจำ 1 คน
อาวุธนำวิถี HN-5 เป็นจรวดต้นแบบที่ผลิตขึ้นมาเป็นครั้งแรกจาก สปจ. และทบ.ไทย ได้จัดหามาประจำการในปีพ.ศ. 2530 จำนวน 24 ชุด หลังจากนั้นอาวุธนำวิถีตระกูล HN-5 ได้รับการพัฒนาให้มีประสิทธิภาพดีขึ้นโดยแยกเป็น 2 แนวทางกล่าวคือ แบบ HN-5A พัฒนาโดย บริษัท Poly Technologies Inc.
ร่วมกับกองทัพ สปจ. และแบบ HN-5A (M) หรือ มีอีกชื่อหนึ่งว่า HN-5B พัฒนาโดยบริษัท China precision Machinery Import & Export Corp.
ระบบอาวุธนำวิถีแบบ HN-5 A(M)หรือ HN-5B นี้ ทบ.ไทยได้สั่งซื้อจรวดแบบนี้ไว้ประจำการในปี 2536 จำนวนทั้งสิ้น 90 ชุด
การพัฒนาอาวุธนำวิถีแบบ HN-5A(M) เน้นหนักไปที่ :
- ระบบอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ในระบบค้นหาเป้า โดยพัฒนาในส่วนของแผ่นวงจรอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ให้เป็นแผ่นวงจรรวม (IC) ทำให้มีความละเอียดเที่ยงตรงขึ้นและมีขนาดลดลง ทำให้ลดขั้นตอนในการผลิตลงมาก
- พัฒนาในส่วนของหัวรบ โดยบรรจุดินระเบิดมากกว่าเดิม เนื่องจากองค์ประกอบทางอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ลดน้อยลง
คุณลักษณะ แบบ
HN-5 HN-5A(M)
altitude of target (m) 50 - 2300 15 – 2500
max. firing slant distance(m):
- tail -on attack 4200 4400
- head –on attack 2800 2800
max flight speed of target (m/s)
- tail -on attack 260 260
- head -on attack 150 150
total weight of weapon system (kg) 15 16
operating temperature ( ํ c ) - 40 to +50 -40 to + 50
firing angle (degree) 20 to 60 20 to 60
time for transition from movement readiness (s) 10 10
missile weight (kg) 9.8 10
weight of firing unit (kg) 1.95 2
missile diameter (mm) 72 72
starting speed (m/s) 22 25
charge weight (kg) 0.37 0.56
หลักฐานอ้างอิง 1.บรรณสารวิชาอาวุธนำวิถีที่มีใช้ในกองทัพบก ของ รร.สพ.สพ.ทบ.
2.เอกสารแนะนำระบบอาวุธนำวิถี HN-5A(M) ของบริษัท China Precision Machinery
อาวุธนำวิถี HN-5 เป็นจรวดต้นแบบที่ผลิตขึ้นมาเป็นครั้งแรกจาก สปจ. และทบ.ไทย ได้จัดหามาประจำการในปีพ.ศ. 2530 จำนวน 24 ชุด หลังจากนั้นอาวุธนำวิถีตระกูล HN-5 ได้รับการพัฒนาให้มีประสิทธิภาพดีขึ้นโดยแยกเป็น 2 แนวทางกล่าวคือ แบบ HN-5A พัฒนาโดย บริษัท Poly Technologies Inc.
ร่วมกับกองทัพ สปจ. และแบบ HN-5A (M) หรือ มีอีกชื่อหนึ่งว่า HN-5B พัฒนาโดยบริษัท China precision Machinery Import & Export Corp.
ระบบอาวุธนำวิถีแบบ HN-5 A(M)หรือ HN-5B นี้ ทบ.ไทยได้สั่งซื้อจรวดแบบนี้ไว้ประจำการในปี 2536 จำนวนทั้งสิ้น 90 ชุด
การพัฒนาอาวุธนำวิถีแบบ HN-5A(M) เน้นหนักไปที่ :
- ระบบอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ในระบบค้นหาเป้า โดยพัฒนาในส่วนของแผ่นวงจรอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ให้เป็นแผ่นวงจรรวม (IC) ทำให้มีความละเอียดเที่ยงตรงขึ้นและมีขนาดลดลง ทำให้ลดขั้นตอนในการผลิตลงมาก
- พัฒนาในส่วนของหัวรบ โดยบรรจุดินระเบิดมากกว่าเดิม เนื่องจากองค์ประกอบทางอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ลดน้อยลง
คุณลักษณะ แบบ
HN-5 HN-5A(M)
altitude of target (m) 50 - 2300 15 – 2500
max. firing slant distance(m):
- tail -on attack 4200 4400
- head –on attack 2800 2800
max flight speed of target (m/s)
- tail -on attack 260 260
- head -on attack 150 150
total weight of weapon system (kg) 15 16
operating temperature ( ํ c ) - 40 to +50 -40 to + 50
firing angle (degree) 20 to 60 20 to 60
time for transition from movement readiness (s) 10 10
missile weight (kg) 9.8 10
weight of firing unit (kg) 1.95 2
missile diameter (mm) 72 72
starting speed (m/s) 22 25
charge weight (kg) 0.37 0.56
หลักฐานอ้างอิง 1.บรรณสารวิชาอาวุธนำวิถีที่มีใช้ในกองทัพบก ของ รร.สพ.สพ.ทบ.
2.เอกสารแนะนำระบบอาวุธนำวิถี HN-5A(M) ของบริษัท China Precision Machinery
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 18 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2552
M712 Copperhead
M712 Copperhead
The M712 Copperhead projectile was the first smart artillery round ever developed. Its accuracy is measured in centimeters, and its lethality is impressive. Copperhead is a cannon-launched, 155mm artillery projectile which guides itself to a laser-designated target. The munition is capable of defeating both armor and point targets at ranges of over six kilometers, and provides the battlefield commander with the unparalleled capability of utilizing artillery to the same effect as direct fire weapons and close air support. The system was employed during Operation Desert Storm, during which it met with great success. Copperhead projectiles were used to destroy observation and border guard posts and forward radar installations during the first week of artillery attacks.
The cannon-launched guided projectile (CLGP) M712 (Copperhead) is a 155-mm, separate-loading, laser-guided, HE projectile. It is heavier (137.6 pounds) and longer (54 inches) than the standard 155-mm projectile. The M712 projectile consists of three main sections: a guidance section (forward), warhead section (center), and control section (rear). The guidance section contains the seeker head assembly and the electronics assembly. The nose of the projectile houses a laser seeker in a plastic cone. The warhead section contains an HE antitank warhead consisting of 14.75 pounds of composition B. The control section includes the fins and wings that deploy in flight and allow the round limited maneuverability.
The trajectory of the Copperhead projectile is similar to that of a conventional round. Only when the projectile reaches a point on the descending branch of the trajectory does it differ. At that point, on the basis of the two-digit timer setting included in the fire commands, the guidance and control systems are activated. This enables the projectile to alter the remainder of its trajectory.
At 20 seconds from impact, the laser designator operator begins designating the target. The ground laser operator may use a G/VLLD, a laser target designator (LTD), or modular universal laser equipment (MULE). Airborne systems include the AH-64, OH-58D, and unmanned aerial vehicles. The Copperhead projectile acquires the reflected laser energy and initiates internal guidance and control, allowing it to maneuver to the target.
The ground surface area in which the round can maneuver is limited. The optimum limits of maneuverability of the Copperhead round is called a footprint. The size of the footprint is determined by the range and the shape of the trajectory, but it can also be affected by cloud height. The ballistic aimpoint is usually short of the target location sent by the laser designator operator. The distance that the ballistic aimpoint is short of the target location varies and is called the offset correction. This offset distance is used to ensure that the maximum probability of hit occurs at the original target location sent by the observer. The larger the target location error, the lower the probability of hitting the target.
วันเสาร์ที่ 17 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2552
Best Sexual Positions ~ Spicy Up the Woman on Her Back Posit
Best Sexual Positions ~ Spicy Up the Woman on Her Back Posit
Are you tired of having your lover fall asleep on top of you after sex? Then it?s time to introduce the best sexual positions into your love making and possibly even fire-up the intimacy between the sheets. Adding variety in sexual positions with the woman on her back can potentially lead to the most amazing sex and bring you the most incredible orgasm, if you know how.First, spice up the woman on her back position by participating in the pumping, the gyrating and all that coital hip movement that comes with this sexual position. Lift your hips and meet him thrust for thrust. Experiment with different angles in this sexual position. This will allow for variance in depth of penetration, intensifying the sex. To get the best out of this sexual position, raise your knees up, bracing your feet on the bed or ground or wherever you are lying down, gyrate your hips as you bring your lover towards the pinnacles of sexual pleasure. One of the best sexual positions to try during love making is to open your legs wide lifting them up. Open your legs as wide as you can in a letter V-shape and you?ll see that this simple leg movement allows for even deeper penetration. The higher you can lift your legs up, the deeper your lover can penetrate you. For best results, embrace your lover with your legs or brace your feet on his butt and increasing the depth of his thrust.The key to the best sexual position for the woman on her back is to prolong your orgasm by relaxing your vaginal muscles. Put your legs down alongside or underneath your lovers?. The shallower thrust with this position enables him to maintain a rock-hard erection and make the loving last for hours. Most important of all, is to practice these sexual positions, it is essential to unlocking the secrets to sexual pleasure. By making your lovemaking technique supercharged, steamy and earth-shattering the last thing he?ll do is fall sleep!
About the Author
To Learn More About Sexual Positions, Videos, Pictures, Tips and Techniques ~ Visit THE LOVEMAKING ZONE
Are you tired of having your lover fall asleep on top of you after sex? Then it?s time to introduce the best sexual positions into your love making and possibly even fire-up the intimacy between the sheets. Adding variety in sexual positions with the woman on her back can potentially lead to the most amazing sex and bring you the most incredible orgasm, if you know how.First, spice up the woman on her back position by participating in the pumping, the gyrating and all that coital hip movement that comes with this sexual position. Lift your hips and meet him thrust for thrust. Experiment with different angles in this sexual position. This will allow for variance in depth of penetration, intensifying the sex. To get the best out of this sexual position, raise your knees up, bracing your feet on the bed or ground or wherever you are lying down, gyrate your hips as you bring your lover towards the pinnacles of sexual pleasure. One of the best sexual positions to try during love making is to open your legs wide lifting them up. Open your legs as wide as you can in a letter V-shape and you?ll see that this simple leg movement allows for even deeper penetration. The higher you can lift your legs up, the deeper your lover can penetrate you. For best results, embrace your lover with your legs or brace your feet on his butt and increasing the depth of his thrust.The key to the best sexual position for the woman on her back is to prolong your orgasm by relaxing your vaginal muscles. Put your legs down alongside or underneath your lovers?. The shallower thrust with this position enables him to maintain a rock-hard erection and make the loving last for hours. Most important of all, is to practice these sexual positions, it is essential to unlocking the secrets to sexual pleasure. By making your lovemaking technique supercharged, steamy and earth-shattering the last thing he?ll do is fall sleep!
About the Author
To Learn More About Sexual Positions, Videos, Pictures, Tips and Techniques ~ Visit THE LOVEMAKING ZONE
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